I have finally downloaded several pics of Everett from birth to now (8 weeks today).
We have already had many "firsts", but of course my favorite is the smiling Everett started since he was about 4 or 5 weeks old. Of course, I have not been able to capture him doing this on camera, but will continue to try.
My least favorite is the ear infection that he got at 5 weeks old. Yuck. Poor little thing. And he has allergies. Also not one of my favorite things, but it may bother me more than him.
All in all Everett is a great baby. He does not cry much and will generally sleep at night except to wake up to eat. He is the most fussy when he is overtired and fights sleep like a toddler. But eventually he goes to sleep and all is happy again.
At his last doctors appt last week, Everett weighed 13 pounds, 3 ozs and was 21 inches long. STILL a bog boy!!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone.